Karachi to Lahore Train Ticket Price

Karachi to Lahore Train Ticket Price. Here you will get all the information related to Karachi Railway Station to Lahore City railway stations of Pakistan. Many express and passenger trains run from Karachi to Lahore City from different routes of Pakistan railways. Different trains have different fares for different class. Here we will give you the information related Fareed Express that runs between Karachi to Lahore City Daily. Information of ticket price from Karachi City Railway station to lahore City Railway station is according to the latest fare table of Pakistan railway.

ClassBerth FareSeat Fare
AC Lower / Standard67006700
Karachi to Lahore Train Ticket Price

Karachi to Lahore Map Route

Karachi to Lahore Trip of Train

A train journey from Karachi to Lahore takes about 18 hours and offers a chance to see different parts of Pakistan. You’ll travel through coastal areas in Sindh and the green fields of Punjab. Your experience will depend on the class of your ticket. The trip can be a good way to meet locals and see the country, but you should be ready for possible delays, basic facilities, and varying comfort levels. It’s a good idea to bring snacks, water, entertainment, and comfortable clothing with you.

FAQs of Karachi to Lahore Train Ticket Price

1. Is there a direct train service between Karachi City and Lahore City?

Yes,  Fareed Express is direct train from Karachi city to Lahore City.

2. What is the approximate travel time by train from Karachi City to Lahore City?

It takes 18 to 19 Hours from Karachi City to Lahore City.

3. What are the departure and arrival stations for trains between Karachi City and Lahore City?

Departure Time from Karachi Railway Station is 07:30 PM and arrival time at Lahore City is 11:00 PM next day at night.

4. Are there any specific trains recommended for this route?

Yes, there is specific train for this route which is Fareed Express.

5. What are the facilities available at Lahore City railway station?

  • Waiting rooms: A common area for passengers to rest or wait for their trains.
  • Ticket counters: For purchasing tickets.
  • Stalls: These might offer snacks, drinks, and other essential items.
  • Toilets: Basic toilet facilities.
  • Platform shelters: Covered areas on the platforms to protect passengers from the weather.

6. Can I book tickets online?

Yes, several online platforms and the official Pakistan Railways website allows you to book train tickets smoothly.

7. How much does a Karachi to Lahore train ticket typically cost?

Prices vary based on the factors mentioned above, but you can expect a range from PKR 4,000 to PKR 7,000 or more.

8. What payment methods are accepted?

Most online platforms and railway booking counters accept credit cards, debit cards, and sometimes mobile payments.

9. Is there a difference in price between different train services?

Yes, different trains offer different levels of comfort and amenities, which affects the ticket price. Faster and more luxurious trains generally cost more.


Hope you get all the information under essential information about train ticket prices for travel between Karachi and Lahore City. By understanding factors like train class, booking platform, and potential discounts, travelers can make informed decisions about their journey. Also do not forget to check the latest updates related to Train Timing, Ticket price, and Routes on Official website of Pakistan Railway pakrail.gov.pk.

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