Train Ticket Price Karachi City to Ab-I-Gum

Here you will get all the information related to train ticket price from Karachi Railway Station to Ab-I-Gum railway stations of Pakistan. Many express and passenger trains run from Karachi to Ab-I-Gum from different routes of Pakistan railways. Different trains have different fares for different class. Here we will give you the information related Ticket Price of train Bolan Mial that runs between Karachi City to Ab-I-Gum Daily. Information of ticket price from Karachi City Railway station to Ab-I-Gum Railway station is according to the latest fare table of Pakistan railway.

ClassBerth FareSeat Fare
AC Lower / Standard42004200
Karachi to Ab-I-Gum


  1. What are the alternative transportation options to reach Ab-I-Gum from Karachi City?

Explore options like flights, buses, or a combination of different modes of transport.

2. How can I book a train ticket to the nearest station to Ab-I-Gum?

Visit online booking platforms or visit railway stations directly.

3. What factors affect the train ticket price from Karachi City to the nearest station?

Train class, travel date, and demand influence ticket prices.

4. Are there any discounts available on train tickets for this route?

Yes, student, senior citizen, can get discounts.

5. What is the average travel time from Karachi City to the nearest train station to Ab-I-Gum?

It will 22 hours to 23 hours.

6. Are there any overnight trains available on this route?

Check train schedules for options that suit your preference on Pakistan Railway Website.

7. What amenities are typically available on trains in Pakistan?

Expect basic amenities like seating, air conditioning (in AC coaches), and food services but it is wise to carry some snacks.

8. Can I carry luggage on the train?

Most trains allow luggage, but there might be size and weight restrictions.

9. What safety measures should I take while traveling by train in Pakistan?

    Follow general safety guidelines like protecting belongings and being aware of surroundings.


    Hope you get all the information under essential information about train ticket prices for travel between Karachi and Ab-I-Gum. By understanding factors like train class, booking platform, and potential discounts, travelers can make informed decisions about their journey. Also do not forget to check the latest updates related to Train Timing, Ticket price, and Routes on Official website of Pakistan Railway

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