Train Ticket Price Karachi City to Abdul Hakim
Here you will get all the information related to train ticket price from Karachi Railway Station to Abdul Hakim railway stations of Pakistan. Many express and passenger trains run from Karachi to Abdul Hakim from different routes of Pakistan railways. Different trains have different fares for different class. Here we will give you the information related Ticket Price of train Hazara Express that runs between Karachi to Abdul Hakim Daily. Information of ticket price from Karachi Cantt Railway station to Abdul Hakim Railway station is according to the latest fare table of Pakistan railway.
Class | Berth Fare | Seat Fare |
AC Lower / Standard | 5350 | 5350 |
Economy | 3000 | 2900 |
FAQs Related to Train Ticket Price Karachi to Abdul Hakim
- What thins effects the price of a train ticket from Karachi to Abdul Hakim?
Ticket price is determined by factors like train class, travel date, and demand.
2. Which train travels between these both cities?
The train run between these both cities is Hazara Express. You will get the information related to Train Timing and Route.
3. Is there a difference in price between online and offline ticket bookings?
There might be a convenience fee for online bookings, but the base ticket price should be the same.
4. Can I get a discount on train tickets from Karachi to Abdul Hakim?
Check for student, senior citizen, or group discounts offered by Pakistan Railways.
5. What payment methods are accepted for booking a train ticket from Karachi to Abdul Hakim?
Most online platforms accept credit/debit cards, mobile wallets, and sometimes cash payments at railway stations.
6. What is the refund policy for train tickets between Karachi and Abdul Hakim?
Refund policies vary based on the fare type (fully refundable, partially refundable, or non-refundable). Check the specific terms and conditions.
7. Are there any hidden charges or fees associated with train ticket bookings?
Be aware of potential booking fees or service charges. Check the total amount before confirming the booking.
Hope you get all the information under essential information about train ticket prices for travel between Karachi and Abdul Hakim. By understanding factors like train class, booking platform, and potential discounts, travelers can make informed decisions about their journey. Also do not forget to check the latest updates related to Train Timing, Ticket price, and Routes on Official website of Pakistan Railway